Tuesday, May 4, 2010
EvErYtHiNg SuCkS tO hElL tOdAy!!!
Early morning,going to sch taking 99 with Shu Wen then reach sch i dk why after i sit on the chair i super high then i keep talking about Minho and Onew...After reading period is mother tongue so we go MT4 there watch The Long King then need to copy down the song...meanwhile Hui Wen and i keep talking about Minho and Onew picture...Then after chinese is music then after that is pe...during pe Hui Wen,Shi Jia,Rachel and me run around the sch for five rounds...veri tired but just go eat then later Xiao Hui say that she need to go home check up...then when go home that time my mum tould me that she going to come...wth...then we go home together on the way home get scolding again...